The short film, created entirely with AI technology, critically explores automation. Using AI, I imagined and animated workers in a car plant from the time when Joseph Schumpeter introduced his theory of 'Creative Destruction.'
Almost overnight, AI has become a tool capable of performing many jobs faster and more efficiently than humans. The World Economic Forum discusses potential job losses due to AI through the lens of 'creative destruction,' a concept Schumpeter introduced in 1942, which posits that new methods inevitably replace the old. This concept often resurfaces in conversations about AI's impact.
Since 1942, our understanding of environmental impact has significantly evolved. The environmental movement, which began 19 years after Schumpeter's theory, highlights a critical oversight: 'creative destruction' doesn't account for the environmental consequences of unchecked consumption. The end quote from Rachel Carson's 1962 book, 'Silent Spring,' marks the beginning of widespread awareness of industrialization's negative impact on the environment.
In my film, the use of birds and bright colors symbolizes our intrinsic connection to nature, reflecting a relationship that endures even within capitalist ecosystems. When used within a balanced ecosystem, AI has the potential to address environmental issues and advance humanity in meaningful and fulfilling ways.